Attendants will discover and practice microsurgical techniques “step by step”, starting by a theoretical introduction to the basic concepts of microsurgery.


Day 1


  • Introduction and how we are going to work
  • Microsurgical dissection techniques
  • Surgical techniques “step by step
    • TRUNK
      • IMAP Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Pectoralis Major Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Latissimus Dorsi & Scapulo-dorsal Flaps Indications, design and elevation of the flap.
  • Hands on cadaver dissection
    • Dissection of Scapulo-dorsal Flap, Pectoralis Major Flap, IMAP Flap


  • Surgical techniques “step by step”
      • SGAP & IGAP Flaps. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Lumbar Perforator Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • PAP Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap.
  • Hands on cadaver dissection
    • Dissection of SGAP & IGAP Flaps, Lumbar Perforator Flap

Day 2


  • Surgical techniques “step by step”
      • Radial Forearm Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Lateral Arm Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Posterior Interosseous Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
  • Hands on cadaver dissection
    • Dissection of Radial Forearm Flap / Lateral Arm Flap / Posterior Interosseous Flap


  • Surgical techniques “step by step”
      • Gracilis Flap & PAP Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Fibula Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Anterolateral Thigh Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
  • Hands on cadaver dissection
    • Dissection of Radial Forearm Flap / Lateral Arm Flap / Posterior Interosseous Flap
    • Dissection of Gracilis / PAP Flaps, Fibula Flap.Anterolateral Thigh Flap

Day 3


  • Surgical techniques “step by step”
    • “HEAD & NECK”
      • Submental Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Supraclavicular Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Temporal fasciocutaneous flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
  • Hands on cadaver
    • Dissection of Supraclavicular Flap, Submental Flap, Frontal Paramedian Flap


  • Surgical techniques “step by step”
      • DIEP & SIEA Flaps. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • Iliac Crest Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
      • SCIP Flap. Indications, design and elevation of the flap
  • Hands on cadaver dissection
    • Dissection of DIEP & SIEA Flaps, SCIP Flap


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